Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 University Catalog 
2024-2025 University Catalog

University Regulations

The Catalog represents a flexible program of current educational plans, offerings, and requirements that may be altered from time to time to carry out the purposes and objectives of the university. The provisions of this publication do not constitute an offer of contract that may be accepted by students through registration and enrollment in the university; the university reserves the right to change any provision, offering, or requirements at any time within the student’s period of study.

Academic Amnesty/Renewal

The purpose of academic renewal is to provide an opportunity for undergraduate students who have not been enrolled in a college or university for three consecutive calendar years to have any academic record earned prior to the three-year period disregarded for the purpose of admission or readmission to UNO. While the prior record remains a part of the student’s overall academic record, none of it carries forward as part of the degree program. Academic Renewal may be offered and awarded only once and is only applicable to students who enroll at UNO.

All students who have been out of school for more than three years but have above a 2.00 and who wish to declare academic renewal must contact the Office of Admissions for review. Students have one year from the first semester they are re-admitted to request this review. The student will remain subject to the university policies on Academic Probation, Suspension, and Dismissal.


The following conditions will apply when a student accepts academic renewal:

  1. All college enrollments will be listed as part of the student’s UNO academic record.
  2. No work taken prior to the three-year period will be counted in the student’s hours earned or grade point average at UNO.
  3. All semesters for which academic renewal is accepted will have the notation “Academic Renewal Declared on Credits Attempted.”
  4. Credits earned prior to the date that academic renewal is accepted will not be counted to satisfy UNO graduation requirements.
  5. Grade point averages computed to determine eligibility for degrees with honors, for membership in honorary or professional societies, or for UNO based scholarships will be based on all college work attempted including the work on which the student has declared academic renewal.



  1. When a student who has been out of school for more than three years and accrued less than 2.00 grade point average applies for re-admission, their application will be referred to the appropriate college (e.g., College of Sciences, College of Business, etc.) by their admissions counselor.
  2. The college office will then contact the student to set up an interview to discuss academic renewal and the implications of accepting or rejecting it.  Once the student has made a decision and the Academic Renewal Form has been signed, the college office will notify the admissions counselor whether the student: a) accepts academic renewal, b) declines academic renewal, or c) was never offered academic renewal.  The college will recommend to the admissions office that the student be: a) admitted, b) admitted on academic probation, c) admitted as an exception, or d) denied admission.  If the college recommends that the student be admitted as an exception, the Director of Admissions must approve.  Students who are admitted without academic renewal and have a cumulative gpa below 2.00 will be admitted on academic probation. 
  3. If the student accepts academic renewal, this will be noted on financial aid files as all prior work is used to compute a student’s satisfactory academic progress (SAP).  Changes on a re-entry student’s record will be made by the Registrar’s office after the student has enrolled.


Students who accept Academic Renewal may still acquire credit by taking and passing advanced standing examinations, placement tests, and credit examinations as long as the student is not within completion of the last 30 hours of the degree requirements.

Students should be aware that Academic Renewal is an internal UNO policy. Most other schools, including graduate and professional schools, will use all college work attempted in determining whether an applicant is eligible for admission.

Academic Renewal at another University

A student who has enrolled at another regionally accredited institution of higher education under an academic renewal plan (e.g., academic amnesty or bankruptcy) may be considered for Academic Renewal at UNO provided that:

  1. The academic renewal plan at the previous institution meets all the provisions of the academic renewal plan at UNO;
  2. The petition for Academic Renewal is submitted for approval to The Office of Admissions and subsequently to the student’s Academic College.

Credits earned since the student entered the program at a previous institution will be evaluated in the same manner as credits for other transfer students.  Please contact Office of Admissions for further information about academic renewal and scholastic amnesty.


Academic Standing

Scholastic regulations embody the academic standards of a university. The application of the following regulations is directed toward upholding the standards of this University - specifically, to impose the requirement of satisfactory academic progress. 

The academic regulations set forth the conditions for Good Standing, Probation, and Suspension/Dismissal. These regulations are intended to be consistent with the following objectives:

  1. To indicate to the student, at an early date and with regularity, that achievement below the standards required for graduation is regarded as unsatisfactory.
  2. To allow the first-time freshman the opportunity to remain a student until he/she has attempted two enrollments.
  3. To give the student who performs poorly a warning which may prompt him or her to seek timely help from instructors, counselors or other appropriate sources.
  4. To provide the student whose record shows that ultimate success in the University is in doubt with a trial period to prove that he/she is able to make reasonable academic progress.
  5. To prevent the student who lacks the required motivation or maturity from building a deficiency of quality points so great that it cannot later be overcome.
  6. To state the standards and the consequent results of inadequate scholastic performance clearly enough that students, parents, faculty, and administrators can know the academic action (if any) which would follow from a particular academic record.

Academic Good Standing

When a student’s cumulative (overall) grade point average (CGPA) is above 2.00, the student is in good academic standing.

Academic Warning

When a student’s cumulative (overall) grade point average (CGPA) is above a 2.00, but the student’s current (most recent term) grade point average (TGPA) is below a 2.00, the student is on academic warning. 

Academic Probation

When a student’s CGPA is below a 2.00, the student is on academic probation. The student remains on academic probation until the CGPA of 2.00 is achieved. The student on academic probation is suspended from the University at the conclusion of any semester (Summer included) in which he/she fails to earn a TGPA of at least a 2.0.

Academic Suspension

Undergraduate students on academic probation will be suspended from UNO at the conclusion of any semester (Summer included) in which they fail to earn a TGPA of at least a 2.00. First-time freshmen admitted in good standing will not be suspended prior to the completion of two semesters of enrollment.

  1. A student suspended for the first time at the end of the Spring semester (only) may attend summer school. If the student raises their CGPA to 2.00 or higher, they are placed in good standing and their suspension period is lifted. The student may then attend the Fall semester. If the student does not raise their CGPA to 2.0 or higher in the Summer session, the suspension for the Fall semester is in effect. In this case, only one suspension is counted against the student.
  2. An undergraduate student suspended from UNO may not earn degree credit from another 4-year university but may enroll in a community college. To ensure minimal or no loss of credits upon return to UNO, the student should consult with his/her advisor regarding the choice of courses to be taken at the community college. Credits earned under these conditions may be accepted for a degree at UNO provided grades of “C” or higher are earned in each of the courses to be transferred.

Academic Dismissal (Indefinite Academic Suspension)

Undergraduate students earning a second academic suspension at The University of New Orleans are placed on indefinite academic dismissal which will be for a period of one calendar year from the date of the last term in which the academic action was accrued.

Any student who is not permitted to re-enroll for continuing semesters must apply for re-admission to the University through the Office of Admissions upon completion of the prescribed period of absence. Prior admission decisions will not guarantee re-admission to the University.


Advanced Standing

Credit Limitation

Credit from all forms of advanced standing examinations and from bypass credit cannot exceed 30 hours.   This credit cannot be used to reduce the University’s minimum residence requirement.

Advanced Credit (Other)

Advanced credit may be awarded for certain subject examinations completed through the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and for non-collegiate courses recommended for credit by the National Guide to Credit Recommendations for Non-Collegiate Courses. Credit so earned may or may not be applicable to the student’s degree program; final determination will be made by the student’s Dean.

Bypass Credit

In some departments, initial placement in sequential courses is based upon level of achievement from earlier training, as measured by scores on American College Testing program or departmental tests. Students who secure placement above the normal beginning level in this way may petition for credit in the courses bypassed contingent upon earning a satisfactory score on the departmental bypass test. No credit is allowed for remedial courses bypassed. More information is available on the department websites. Completion of assessment for bypass credit must be completed prior to earning 60 academic credits or by the end of the first semester at UNO.

Advanced Placement Examinations

Advanced placement and credit will be granted in appropriate subjects to students who have taken the Advanced Placement Examinations of the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB). When the student has achieved a grade of four (4) or five (5) on the advanced placement examination, credit will be granted; when the grade is three (3), the decision regarding credit will be referred to the judgment of the individual department.  Questions concerning the recording of these grades should be directed to the Office of Admissions.

Advanced Standing Examinations/Credit Examinations

Students of superior ability and preparation and students who have already gained fundamental knowledge of subjects offered at the University may be permitted to take Advanced Standing Examinations in specific courses which, if passed satisfactorily, will enable the student to receive degree credit. Advanced Standing Examinations are also referred to as ‘Credit Examinations’.

Requests for permission to utilize such examinations are initiated in the College Office of the  school or division in which the student is enrolled, and permission may be given subject to the following conditions:

  1. Credit by Advanced Standing Examinations cannot be used to reduce the University’s minimum residence requirement;
  2. The student must have been admitted to the University and must be in Academic Good Standing. If the examinations are taken while the student is not enrolled in the University, credit will be granted when he/she is registered for resident study.
  3. In requesting authorization to take an Advanced Standing Examination, the student must obtain permission from the Chair of the Department offering the course and the Dean of the College in which the course is taught.
  4. A student may not take an Advanced Standing Examination in a course which he/she has audited, nor in which a grade has been earned. A student may take an Advanced Standing Examination in a given course only once.

The administration of the examinations is also subject to the following regulations:

  1. The examination must ordinarily be taken and the grade submitted within 30 days of the date of initiation of the request.
  2. If a grade of C or higher is earned on the examination, a mark of P and regular credit in the course is entered on the student’s record. If a grade lower than C is earned, only the fact that the examination has been attempted will be recorded; credit will not be allowed. Credit earned through Advanced Standing Examinations will not be used in computing the student’s Grade Point Average.
  3. Advanced Standing Examinations are given free of charge to the student planning to enroll at UNO as a freshman, and until the final date for dropping courses without receiving grades for the first regular semester in which he/she is enrolled either part-time or full-time as a first-year student. All other students must pay a fee of $20 per course.
  4. Students who request to take a Credit Examination after the first day of the 2nd semester of their freshman year pay $100 per credit hour in addition to the departmental fee of $20 per course.

A special invitation-only program is conducted during the spring of each year in which prospective freshmen who meet certain minimum ACT score qualifications come to the campus and take Advanced Standing Examinations in one or more subjects. There is no fee for these exams and

credits earned will be entered on the student’s record after official enrollment at UNO.

Advanced Standing - Validation of Advanced Placement

The validity of placement must be established by passing the next course in the sequence with a C or better grade (on the first attempt). Detailed information may be secured in the College Office of the major or division in which the student is enrolled.




The grade appeal policy provides the student with a safeguard against receiving an unfair final grade in a course, while at the same time respecting the academic freedom of the instructor which is vital to the integrity of the teaching process at The University of New Orleans. The course final-grade appeal process strives to resolve a dispute between student and instructor in the assignment of a course final grade at the collegial level. The intent is never to embarrass or disgrace students or instructors, nor to assess penalty or retribution on any party when mistakes are discovered, but instead to provide a neutral forum for the discussion of differences of opinion. Every student has the right to have a request for consideration of his/her final grade reviewed by the Chair of the department and a departmental Grade Appeal Committee. The course final-grade appeal is confined to charges of unfair action against an individual student and may not involve a challenge of an instructor’s class grading standard. It is incumbent on the student to substantiate the claim that his/her final grade in the course represents unfair treatment, compared to the standard applied to the remainder of the class. Only the final grade in a course may be appealed. Grade appeals must be initiated within one semester of the end of the academic semester in which the grade was earned.  The grade appeal process begins with the professor who issued the grade.  Should further arbitration be necessary, the student should speak to the department chair for further resolution options.  See the Student Handbook for the appeal procedures.

Other Academic Appeals: Policies and Regulations

When extraordinary circumstances compel a student to request an exception to University Policy or Regulations, the student must petition the Committee for Student Appeals, a standing committee of the Office of Academic Affairs, for exception.

  1. Requests for exceptions must be made within one year following the end of the semester that is being appealed.
  2. Students may not petition for exceptions after graduating.
  3. All committee procedures are confidential, respecting the privacy of the student.
  4. Committee decisions are final.

The regulations and procedure for appeal can be found on the Registrar’s Website at




Faculty are required to state, in writing, their expectations regarding class attendance.  Faculty are expected to work with students to allow for completion of classwork and assignments if the student’s absence results from his/her required participation in a University- sponsored activity provided that, prior to the absence, the student makes arrangement to complete all missed work.

All students are expected to regularly and punctually attend classes in which they are enrolled. Failure to do so may jeopardize a student’s scholastic standing and may lead to suspension from the University. Students must review the attendance requirements of the course in which they are enrolled. Students are required to log in to each online course by the second day of the week in which the course officially begins or the day of enrollment during the late registration period to complete the initial postings required in the course. Students are strongly advised to check e-mail daily in addition to logging in to the course on a regular basis. Students are responsible for the effect absences have on all forms of evaluating course performance.  The student is responsible for arranging the allowed make-up of any missed work.

Student Attendance Policy

Class attendance is vital to academic success at the college level. Students are expected to attend all regularly scheduled classes with few exceptions. Faculty have full discretion to create an attendance policy for their classes as they feel appropriate. The attendance policy for each class should be in writing and included in the course syllabus. It should also be communicated to each class at the beginning of each term. This policy should include, but is not limited to, the penalties for unexcused absences and any policy regarding makeup assignments and examination. The university recognizes the situation wherein a student’s absence may be classified as an excused absence. An excused absence does not relieve the student of any course work obligations, but instead, faculty are expected to give the student the opportunity to reschedule or accommodate missed work in a timely manner. The university accepts the following circumstances as justification for an excused absence:

  • Military Service
  • Jury duty
  • Death of immediate family member
  • Religious holidays (maximum 4 days per semester)
  • Representing the university as part of university sponsored organization
  • Absences due to significant illness
  • Absences related to a documented disability and part of a Student Accommodation Agreement issued from the Office of Student Accountability and Disability Services.
  • Absences as part of academic remedy for a student in Title IX cases when requested by a Title IX Coordinator.

Faculty have the right to receive verification of any of the above circumstances. Students are required to give as much advance notice as possible of any of the above circumstances. Furthermore, students are required to make arrangements to fulfill class requirements with faculty within a week of an excused absence and faculty are expected to accommodate for this. In addition, the number of excused absences should not exceed 25% of total classes.

Military Service Mobilization/Activation

The University of New Orleans complies with Board of Regents and University of Louisiana Policy (S-II.XXII.1a) regarding the mobilization of National Guard, reservists, or other military personnel who are attending classes. Academic implications and refund schedules regarding tuition and fees are discussed in these policies.

The University is committed to supporting its students qualifying for these services. Students called to active duty or mobilized for any reason should contact the Office of Veteran’s Affairs (even if they are not receiving VA benefits) for information and further instruction.


Catalog Year

The maximal period of time for which the provisions of any Catalog may be considered valid is seven years. Students who began a degree program seven or more years prior to the date of their anticipated graduation must consult their academic dean to determine which Catalog must be followed.

The university will make a reasonable effort to honor the requirements in the student’s catalog year. However, because courses and programs are sometimes changed, the university shall make the final determination of whether degree requirements are satisfied.

Degree-seeking students

Degree-seeking students (new and transfer students) must adhere to the requirements for an undergraduate degree based on the University Catalog at the time of entry into the university. This catalog may be used for a maximum of seven years provided enrollment is not interrupted for two or more consecutive regular semesters not including summer sessions.

Degree-seeking students whose enrollment is interrupted for two or more consecutive semesters must reapply to the university and follow the requirements in the catalog at the time of readmission.

Transfer students with a Louisiana Transfer Associate Degree

Degree-seeking transfer students who have completed a Louisiana Transfer Associate Degree may use the University Catalog in effect at the time of their first entry into an approved Louisiana Community College. The transfer to UNO must be made within three years of their first entry into the community college and provided enrollment has not been interrupted for two or more consecutive regular semesters, not including summer sessions.

Changing catalog year, changing major within a college, or changing colleges

Students will not be allowed to change their Catalog Year for the current term. Students changing from one major to another must meet the requirements in the catalog in effect at the time of the major change.

Students may change their catalog year or major at any time; however, after the term has begun (the first day of classes), the change of catalog year or major will be made effective for the next available term. All changes must be declared at least one semester prior to the expected graduation term.

Adding a major, minor and/or concentration

Students may change their Program of Study/Major at any time; however, after the census date of a given semester (listed on the academic calendar), the change of Program of Study/Major will be made effective for the next available term. All Major, Minor, Concentration or Option changes must be declared at least one semester prior to the expected graduation term. Additional Majors or Minors can be dropped at any time.


Classification of Undergraduate Students

Classification of undergraduate students is made, and revised as necessary, in the Office of the Registrar based on the number of credits earned.

The rules governing the classification of undergraduate students are:

  • Freshmen: Students having fewer than 30 hours of credit (0 - 29.99).
  • Sophomores: Students having at least 30 hours of credit (30 - 59.99).
  • Juniors: Students having at least 60 semester hours of credit (60 - 89.99).
  • Seniors: Students having at least 90 semester hours of credit (90+).

Code of Student Conduct

Please refer to the following link:


Concurrent Registration

A student registered at UNO may not automatically receive degree credit at UNO for any work taken concurrently at another college or university or by correspondence study. Any work taken concurrently at another college or university is subject to UNO’s transfer articulation policies and evaluation criteria. Students must have approval from their college dean before seeking concurrent enrollment.  The approval will be stored in the College Office.


Contact Information

Students are responsible for accurately maintaining their demographic contact information via the University’s web portal - WebSTAR. The University considers each student’s school/UNO email address as the official, formal contact point. All official university correspondence will be sent to this address. Students should further maintain their physical addresses via WebSTAR as there are periodic occasions when students will be contacted via United States Postal Service. The University considers all correspondence mailed to a student at their email or physical address currently on file to have been received unless it is returned to the sender.


Credits and Semester Hours

In accordance with Federal guidelines, The University of New Orleans defines a credit hour as: (a) the amount of student time investment that reasonably approximates one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours out of class student work for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or (b) at least an equivalent amount of work as outlined in (a) for other academic activities as established  by the University including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours. In accordance with commonly accepted practices in higher education, UNO operates on a 50-minute hour for this definition.

For each course, the course syllabus will document the amount of in-class (or other direct faculty instruction) and out-of-class work required to earn the credit hour(s) assigned to the course. Out-of- class work will include all forms of credit-bearing activity, including but not limited to assignments, readings, studying, observations, conducting research, writing, and musical practice.

Where available, the university grants academic credit for students who verify via competency-based testing, that they have accomplished the learning outcomes associated with a course that wouldnormally meet the requirements outlined above (e.g. AP credit, CLEP, and departmental exams).

Armed Services Courses

Many military educational programs are not directly usable in university degree programs because the focus is too narrow and pragmatic. On the other hand, some service schools provide instruction which may be equated with university work.

When the student presents the Office of Admissions with an official record of completion of a course at a service school, a notation will be made on the student’s evaluation sheet in accordance with the recommendation of the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services prepared by the American Council on Education. Credit for such courses may or may not be applicable toward the student’s degree program; this will be determined by the student’s Dean.

Correspondence and Extension Work

Each college fixes the amount of degree credit it will accept in correspondence or extension courses. In no case will a College accept more than 30 hours of work in this category.  In all such work presented for degree credit, the same requirements as to grades and quality points must be met.

Experiential Learning

The University does not evaluate experiential learning portfolios. However, for non-traditional educational programs, credit may be awarded on the basis of the successful completion of an appropriate advanced standing examination. Discretion for giving such an examination belongs to the individual academic department. In addition, formal education programs sponsored by non- collegiate organizations (business, industry, government, voluntary, and professional agencies) may be awarded credit if recommended by the American Council on Education.

Credit Limitation

Combined credit from advanced standing examinations, bypassed credit, armed services credit, correspondence/extension, and American Council on Education recommended credit work cannot exceed 30 hours.

Repeated Courses

When a student is permitted to repeat a course for credit, the last grade earned shall be the one which determines course acceptability for degree credit. A student who has earned a C or better in a course may not repeat that course unless,

  1. the catalog description indicates that the course may be repeated for credit, or
  2. the student’s Dean gives prior approval for documented extenuating circumstances.

Credit from Other Institutions

Through the Office of Academic Affairs, the University Registrar and the Director of Admissions share responsibility for the admission of transfer students and the acceptance of transfer credit as applicable toward the degree at the University of New Orleans. The University of New Orleans transfer admission policies abide by Board of Regents Policy, the Undergraduate Catalog, the Graduate Catalog, and are posted on the Office of Undergraduate Admission and the University Registrar’s website.

Undergraduate Admissions

An undergraduate transfer applicant should request each college or university he or she has attended to send a transcript to the Office of Admissions. Upon receipt of all transcripts, the previously earned credit is reviewed and a Cumulative Grade Point Average is determined for purposes of admission. Once admission has been determined, those credits are then evaluated for application toward those courses making up the degreed program of study. The University of New Orleans will only apply the credit earned from the transferring institution and not the quality points of the credit earned from the transferring institution toward the calculation of the UNO Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) used in the calculation of Satisfactory Academic Progress. Additional information may be found at the following sites:

Courses evaluated by The University of New Orleans for credit earned from regionally accredited institutions carry the grade earned at the institution where the courses were taken if the grading system used is comparable to UNO’s grading system. However, credits earned at foreign colleges and universities carry the grade of “P.” Technical and vocational credits, credits for varsity sports, or credits from non-accredited institutions are not accepted.

The extent to which any transfer courses may be applied toward a degree at UNO is determined by the Dean of each College. A transfer student may complete requirements for graduation in the UNO Catalog in effect at the time of initial enrollment unless the student elects to change to another curriculum or there is a break of one semester or more in attendance at UNO.

Students who wish to transfer credits to UNO which were earned in a nontraditional manner (i.e., College Level Examination Program Subject or General Examinations, Advanced Placement, or Departmental Examinations), will have these evaluated by the Office of Admissions.  Credit will be granted for Departmental Examinations and College Level Examination Program Examinations if the course(s) are listed on the student’s official transcript with a passing grade or the equivalent, and are within the policies for credit at the University of New Orleans. Advanced placement credit will be given in areas in which UNO normally grants such credit as shown elsewhere in this Catalog.

Transfer students who have question(s) concerning their transfer evaluation may request a review of the evaluation by their academic dean, their department head, the Director of Admissions, and/or the head(s) of the department in which the course(s) are offered at UNO. Requests must be made in writing to the Director of Admissions and must list the specific course(s) in question. The student may be required to furnish course descriptions and may be required to describe course equivalencies with appropriate college or department personnel.

In order to facilitate a more efficient transfer of courses among public colleges and universities, the Louisiana Board of Regents has established a Master Course Articulation Matrix. This matrix indicates transfer equivalences of courses among Louisiana’s public college and universities, and may be accessed through the Board of Regents’ webpage at . It remains, however, the prerogative of the receiving institution as to whether a course will count toward a particular major, whether a particular grade is required, or whether the course will satisfy general education requirements. Students should therefore always contact UNO prior to transferring courses.

Limitations on Community or Junior Colleges

All academic hours earned at a community or junior college will be posted on the UNO transcript upon the student’s transfer. However, the maximum number of hours transferable from a community or junior college for degree credit is sixty (60). No credit earned at a community or junior college may be used for credit at the 3000 or 4000 course level. The University of New Orleans will apply the quality points of the credit earned from the transferring institution toward the calculation of the UNO Cumulative Grade Point Average used in the calculation of Satisfactory Academic Progress.


Through separate formal agreements between UNO and Southern University in New Orleans and Delgado Community College and Elaine P. Nunez Community Colleges, UNO students may register for a limited number of classes at each of these institutions when they register at UNO. Students should contact the Office of their College Dean or the University Registrar for information regarding the procedures to be followed in this process.



Course Level

Course Level

1000 - Primarily introductory and beginning courses. Prepare students by developing foundational knowledge and skills. Emphasize recall of basic concepts and facts. Primarily freshmen/sophomores.

2000 - Intermediate-level courses, usually with no more than one 1000-level prerequisite, or survey courses devoted to the discipline. Emphasize explanation of ideas and concepts. Primarily freshmen/sophomores.

3000 - Advanced-intermediate-level courses in the major; expose students to specialized concepts and techniques to the discipline. Emphasize applying information in new situations. Primarily juniors/seniors.

4000 - Advanced-level courses in the major. Emphasize synthesizing knowledge and mastering skills in the discipline. Primarily juniors/seniors.

5000 - Entry-level graduate courses. Emphasize mastery and independent application or production of scholarly knowledge and skills in the discipline. May be offered jointly with 4000-level courses but differentiated requirements for students enrolled in 5000 section required. Not open to undergraduate students except seniors admitted to an Accelerated Master’s Program or those permitted by department.

6000 - Advanced graduate courses. Require students to master and synthesize disciplinary knowledge and theoretical concepts. May not be offered jointly with 4000-level courses. Not open to undergraduate students except seniors admitted to an Accelerated Master’s Program or those permitted by department.

7000 - Independent graduate study. Emphasize the synthesis of advanced knowledge and techniques and the creation of new knowledge in scholarly and/or professional settings. Restricted to graduate students. 


Course Load

The normal full-time student load in a regular semester should range between 12 and 18 credit hours. The normal full-time freshman load in a regular semester should range between 12 and 15 hours. Mini-sessions offer courses offered in a compressed schedule, with a correspondingly accelerated pace. 

In the regular summer term, the full-time load is between 6 and 12 credit hours.  Students taking courses in mini-sessions during the summer may enroll in a maximum of 6 credit hours in each session. 

Students are encouraged to consult their academic advisor to determine a course load that best meets their academic preparation. Students with an at-risk Cumulative GPA may be advised to limit their academic load to fewer than 15 hours. Students on Academic Probation are limited to enrolling in 14 hours in Fall or Spring semester and 7 hours in Summer.

Students may enroll in a maximum of 21 total credit hours (including full and compressed sessions) per semester.  Students requesting to enroll in more than 19 credit hours must meet the following criteria: (a) have permission of their Dean; (b) have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00; and (c) have not had a grade below C in any course during the preceding semester. 

Students who register for fewer than 12 credit hours or drop below 12 credit hours during fall and spring semesters (6 in the summer session) will be considered part-time students.



Grade Reports

The University reports grades at mid-semester and at the end of each semester for all students. Only the grades reported at the end of the semester (final grades) are used in the computation of the student’s grade-point averages. Mid-semester grades are simply an indication of the student’s progress and are not calculated in the summer session.  The University does not mail final grade reports. Students may access their grades through WebStar.

Cumulative Grade Point Average

A student’s cumulative grade-point average (CGPA) is calculated by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of semester hours attempted. (See Undergraduate Grading System in this chapter for the quality points assigned to each final grade.)

Term/Semester Grade Point Average

A student’s Semester/Term grade-point average (TGPA) is calculated by dividing the total number of quality points earned in the semester by the total number of hours attempted in the semester.

Grading System

The following is a general overview of the UNO grading system:

A     The grade of A has a value of four quality points per semester hour and is given for work of the highest degree of excellence.

B     The grade of B has a value of three quality points per semester hour and is given for work of a high degree of excellence.

C     The grade of C has a value of two quality points per semester hour and is given for satisfactory work.

D     The grade of D has a value of one quality point per semester hour and is given for passing but marginal work.

F     The grade of F does not earn quality points. This grade is given for work failed.

XF    Failure and poor attendance. The grade of XF does not earn quality points and is treated the same as an F.

P      Passing. Assigned for satisfactory work taken by advanced standing examination, for satisfactory completion of certain noncredit courses, and for satisfactory completion of courses taken on a pass-fail basis. This grade does not carry quality points and is not used in computing the official grade average of a student.

U      Unsatisfactory. Assigned for unsatisfactory completion of courses taken on a pass-fail basis. Credit hours for which a grade of U is recorded are not used in calculating the student’s average.

XU    is treated the same as a U. The grade indicates failure as well as poor attendance.

W     Withdrawal. This grade is earned when a student drops a course or resigns from the University during the “W grade” period. Credit hours for which a grade of W is recorded are not used in calculating the student’s Cumulative Grade Point Average.

UW   Administrative withdrawal from a semester/term. This grade is administratively awarded only when a student stops attending all classes for the semester/term as noted by faculty attendance records. This grade is not used in calculating a student’s grade point averages.

I     Incomplete.  Awarded for work of passing quality but which, because of circumstances beyond the student’s control, is not complete. The issuance of the grade of I is at the discretion of the faculty member teaching the course. A grade of I becomes a grade of F if it is not converted before the deadline on the University Calendar.  Students may not re-register in a course for which a grade of “I” has been assigned to them. Students may not register in any course that requires a course for which a grade of “I” has been assigned to them (example - you may not register in ENGL 1158 if you have received a grade of “I” in ENGL 1157).

NG    No Grade.Not calculated in the GPA and no units are earned.Used for multi-term courses.



Privateer Passage - First Semester First-Year Students

First-year students in their first semester of college at the University of New Orleans will not earn a grade lower than C in any of their active coursework. Students who do not achieve a C or better in a course will be given a grade of P or NG and allowed to repeat the course without impact to their GPA.

This policy does not apply to a student who stops attending class and does not officially withdraw. In this instance, a student will be given a grade of XF. An XF grade will be calculated in the GPA. The XF grade can be repeated and replaced with a passing grade in the overall GPA.

*Any student who resigned from the university and was a first time first semester student in Fall 2020 or Fall of 2021 may have this policy applied retroactively to their first term upon readmission to UNO

Suspension of a Grade (Undergraduate students only) 

Students who repeats a course in which they receive a D, F, or XF may have the subsequent grade replaced and suspend the prior grade(s) in their UNO GPA, unless the subsequent grade is lower than the prior attempt(s). The official academic record (transcript) will indicate this suspension and will show in the academic summary a grade-point average calculated on the basis of the total number of hours attempted.

Class rankings, graduation honors, and eligibility for UNO academic honors programs are determined on the basis of the grade-point average for all credits attempted including those suspended.  The suspension of credit is an internal policy of The University of New Orleans and may not be recognized by other universities or professional licensure. For example, the Louisiana Department of Education uses a GPA that includes suspended course attempts and grades for licensure. 

Special Topics courses cannot be suspended unless it can be verified that both attempts were taken under the same topic title.

*Active students may request to have prior courses suspended under the new policy. Active is defined as being enrolled in current coursework. Students may not suspend courses completed during a previously conferred UNO degree. 

Majors, Minors, Concentrations, Options


A major is that part of a degree program which consists of a specified group of courses in a particular discipline or field, consisting minimum of 25% or more of total hours required in the Program of Study. A minimum of 50% of the courses included in the major requirements must be at the 3000+ level. A minimum of 50% of the credit hours used to satisfy the major requirements must be taken at The University of New Orleans.

Concentrations and Options

A Concentration is an alternative track of courses within a major, accounting for at least 30% of the major requirements.  An Option is an alternative track of courses within a Major, accounting for 50% to 80% of the major requirements.  Specific requirements for the concentrations and/or options offered may be found in the degree requirements explanation for a specific major.


A Minor is that part of a Degree program which consists of a specified group of courses in a particular discipline or field, consisting minimum of 15% or more of total hours required in the Program of Study. A minimum of 50% of the courses included in the minor requirements must be at the 3000+ level. A minimum of 50% of the credit hours used to satisfy the Minor requirements must be taken at The University of New Orleans.

Declaring Majors

Students must declare an academic Major by the time they earn 45 credit hours. Transfer students must declare an academic Major within one semester of enrolling in the University.

Declaring Minors, Concentrations and Options

Students who choose to pursue a Minor, Concentration or Option must declare the Minor, Concentration or Option at least one academic semester prior to the semester in which they intend to graduate.

Degree Audit

The University of New Orleans offers a comprehensive Degree Audit through WebStar (accessed through the student’s Advising Center). The Degree Audit is an ‘electronic map’ of all the Programs of Study offered at the University of New Orleans. The Degree Audit enables a student to not only view the courses required to earn their particular degree, it also applies those courses earned toward the degree - ultimately allowing the student to view their academic progress in ‘real time’ in an electronic format. Additionally, a student can perform a ‘What-if’ analysis using the Degree Audit to determine how those credits they previously earned might be utilized in a different Program of Study, should they choose to change their Major. Students are encouraged to use this self-advising tool as it will always be used as the university’s official certification toward fulfillment of graduation requirements.

Degree Requirements


In accordance with University of Louisiana System policy (Chapter II, Section VIII, Baccalaureate Degrees Requirements), in order to earn a Baccalaureate degree from UNO, students must achieve the following:

  1. Earn a minimum of 120 credit hours, including at least 25 percent of the credit hours for the degree through instruction offered by the University*. 
  2. Achieve a grade point average of 2.00 or better in:
    1. all work attempted (the cumulative grade point average, or CGPA),
    2. all work taken at UNO, the UNO CGPA or UGPA), and
    3. the major subject (the degree grade point average or DGPA).

Credit hours are distributed among three categories, further defined in “Understanding Your Degree Program of Study” below:  1) General Education (Core) requirements, 2) Other requirements and 3) Major requirements .

  • General Education (Core) coursework is mandated by the Louisiana Board of Regents and account for a minimum of 30% of the total credit hours required to complete the Program of Study. We recommend completing these requirements during the freshman and sophomore year.  Specific requirements related to general education courses are explained in more detail here. UNO General Education
  • Major requirements comprise a minimum of 25% of the total credit hours required to complete the Program of Study although each Program of Study determines the number of credit hours required in this category. This category of degree requirements consists of a specified group of courses in a particular discipline(s) or field(s). A minimum of 50% of the courses included in the major requirements must be at the 3000+ level. A minimum of 50% of the credit hours used to satisfy the major requirements must be taken at The University of New Orleans.
  • Other coursework requirements vary according to the degree pursued. In general, courses in this category include college and/or program-specific requirements for the Program of Study, and courses that serve as a prerequisite for other courses included in the major requirements of the selected program of study.

Students pursuing a Major cannot earn a Minor in the same field subsequent to the Major, if it has been previously earned. Students cannot pursue a Major or Minor in the same field simultaneously.

Some degree Programs of Study include additional requirements such as satisfactory performance on one or more assessments, licensing examination scores, completion of an internship or capstone experience, or other elements included in the Program. Specific requirements may be found in the appropriate section of the catalog describing a specific major.

*No more than 60 hours required for the completion of a degree program may be transferred from a community or junior college.


Understanding your degree program of study

In general, there are three key areas of coursework required to obtain an underaduate Bachelor’s degree:

  1. General education (GE) - this is the core curriculum required of all undergraduate students. The core curriculum is comprised of 39 hours in six disciplines: arts, composition, humanities, mathematics, sciences, and social science. See General Education to understand the specific requirements for the core curriculum at UNO.
  2. Major coursework (M) - these courses meet the requirements for the specific major area of study you have selected. The minimum requirement for the number of major coursework credit hours is 25% of the degree total.
  3. Other coursework (O) - these courses can be comprised of a number of different types of courses depending on the degree you are pursuing. Other coursework may include:

Free electives (FE) - these courses are selected by the student to meet their individual interests or needs. Depending on the number of free electives allowed for the degree, students may choose to use free electives to pursue a minor area of study or a concentration within their major if one or more concentrations are offered for the degree chosen. Free electives may also be used to complete specific requirements for a degree that were not satisfied with the general education courses completed.

Restricted electives (RE) - these courses are offered as a choice available to students within a given discipline.

University requirements (UR) - at this time, the only University-level requirement is that all first time, full time first year students take UNIV 1000 during their first semester.

College requirements (CR) - The College offering the degree program selected may have specific course requirements. These requirements may be met with elective coursework or in some cases with general education coursework depending on the course selected by the student.

Program requirements - Some degree programs include a requirement to complete a concentration (C) within the major.



Graduation Requirements 


A student must meet all the requirements for a degree in one Catalog. A student is assigned their Catalog (by year) corresponding to their initial enrollment to the University. A student who breaks enrollment (either voluntary or by compulsion) is assigned a new Catalog (by year) upon re- enrollment to the University. A student may elect to change their Program of Study/Major at any time during their academic tenure; the Catalog (by year) in force at the time of the Change of Program/Major will be the Catalog (by year) used to evaluate the student for satisfactory academic progress toward degree and/or graduation requirements. Students may not change their Major, Minor, Concentration or Option in the term of their graduation.

There are several requirements which must be completed by all students prior to graduation. The student must:

  1. Complete all academic requirements for a degree based on their Catalog. This includes the General Education requirements, Other requirements, and Major requirements of the particular Program of Study in which the student is enrolled;
  2. Attain a minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.0 (note: some Programs of Study require a higher minimum Cumulative GPA or a minimum GPA for the Major requirements);
  3. Ascertain, through the college of the Major, that his/her academic record is accurate and complete. This should be done not later than one semester prior to graduation;
  4. Submit an application to the Registrar’s Office for the degree during the registration period of the last semester in residence. The student will be required to make this formal application and state the exact name to appear on the diploma;
  5. Pay the diploma fee. A student who has previously paid a diploma fee, but who failed to graduate at the time expected, must re-apply and pay the diploma fee again;
  6. Satisfy all assessment requirements associated with the student’s Program of Study;
  7. Complete an exit interview for Financial Aid, if applicable.

A student who does not follow and complete the above requirements and procedures will not be allowed to graduate.


For all Bachelor’s Degrees, the last 25 percent (typically 30 hours) of all coursework must be taken in residence while enrolled in the College from which the degree is to be earned. A transfer student or a student who enters with advanced standing from another university and becomes a candidate for a bachelor’s degree at UNO must fulfill a minimum residence requirement of two semesters (or four summer sessions) at UNO and must earn at least 25 percent of the credit hours required for the degree through instruction offered by the University.

A minimum of 50% of the courses included in the major requirements in a UNO Program of Study must be taken at The University of New Orleans. No credit earned at a community or junior college may be used for credit at the 3000 or 4000 course level. Additional restrictions may apply. Students should discuss their residency requirements with their academic advisor or the college Dean’s Office.

Substitutions and Waivers of Degree Requirements

Students are encouraged to discuss any deviation of prescribed coursework with their advisor.

A substitution is defined as a course outside of the prescribed curriculum that is used to substitute for a course that is within the prescribed curriculum. 

A waiver is defined as an exception to a required degree component. Each curriculum will be different with some curricula requiring external benchmarks such as meeting a minimum score on a required test and other curricula requiring a course or series of courses to satisfy a particular degree component and even other curricula requiring additional components. Waivers of degree requirements must be approved by both the Dean of the College as well as the Office of Academic Affairs.

Double Major in a Single Degree Designation

Students who wish to earn two majors simultaneously in the same college at UNO may do so, provided they:

  1. complete all requirements for each major,
  2. meet all quality point average and grade requirements applicable to each major,
  3. complete requirements for both majors before receiving the baccalaureate degree,
  4. Meet the residency requirement for each major (typically, the last 30 hours or 25% of earned credit hours must be taken at UNO - students should check with their College for specific requirements), and,
  5. the student cannot declare a minor in one of the major curriculum areas.

Any student who receives a baccalaureate degree after completing the requirements for only one major must comply with the guidelines for a second baccalaureate degree.) Students wishing to double major in subjects in different colleges may do so provided both majors lead to the same degree designation (e.g., Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, etc.

Earning two degrees simultaneously at UNO

Students who wish to earn two baccalaureate degrees at UNO simultaneously may do so, provided the majors have different degree designations (e.g., Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, etc.) and they:

  1. complete all requirements for both degrees,
  2. meet all quality point average and grade requirements applicable to both degrees,
  3. develop degree plans with both colleges if the two degrees being sought are in different colleges,
  4. meet the residency requirement for each degree major (typically, the last 30 or 25% of the earned credit hours must be taken at UNO - students should check with their College for specific requirements), and,
  5. students cannot declare a minor in the area in which the other baccalaureate is being earned.

Any student who receives a baccalaureate degree after completing the requirements for only one major must comply with the guidelines for a second baccalaureate degree.

Second or Subsequent Baccalaureate Degrees

Students who hold a baccalaureate degree from The University of New Orleans or from a regionally accredited institution other than UNO may earn a second baccalaureate degree by completing thirty semester hours at UNO that are in addition to the requirements for the first degree and by meeting all other requirements for the second degree.


Graduation with Honors

Baccalaureate degrees are awarded with honors on the basis of two criteria, the curriculum undertaken and grade-point average.

Latin Honors

The baccalaureate degree is awarded with honors to students who earn a minimum of 60 credit hours at UNO and who maintain a high grade point average. To be eligible for academic honors students must have a grade point average, including course grades eliminated through suspended grades and grades deleted by academic renewal, that fall within the ranges shown below, for courses taken at UNO.  Graduation with honors applies to all undergraduate degrees within the limitations set by the policy.

            Summa Cum Laude      CGPA = 3.90 - 4.00

            Magna Cum Laude     CGPA = 3.70 - 3.89

            Cum Laude                  CGPA = 3.50 - 3.69


Academic Honors

College honors are awarded each semester with the publication of the Honor Roll, Dean’s List, and president’s list for each division, college, or school. To be included on the honor list, a student must have earned at least the following GPA for that semester (Term GPA) while attempting a full-time, in-residence schedule:


Academic Honor

Term Grade Point Average

Honor Roll

3.000 to 3.199

Dean’s List

3.200 to 3.499

President’s List

3.500 to 4.000


University Honors

To graduate with University Honors, students must fulfill the following requirements:

1. maintain a 3.5 GPA in their major and 3.25 CGPA overall;

2. complete 18 credit hours of honors-qualifying coursework.

To graduate with the designation “University Honors With Thesis,” students must fulfill the following additional requirement:

             3. complete the six-credit hour senior honor thesis course in their major (which will also apply toward the 18 credit hours of honors-qualifying coursework). 

Students who intend to graduate with the designation “University Honors With Thesis” should contact the University Honors Program office as early as possible and no later than the end of their junior year to discuss the senor honors thesis process. 


Enrollment Classification

(A candidate for graduation may request to be classified as a full-time student in the semester or summer session during which he/she is scheduled to complete the requirements for a degree, even though the number of hours scheduled is less than that ordinarily required for classification as a full- time student. A student thus classified full-time is required to pay the fees appropriate to the full-time classification.)

Full-time Students

For undergraduate students:

  • Fall and Spring - enrolled for twelve or more hours in total; special permission required to enroll in more than 19 hours
  • Mini Session - enrolled for six or more hours in total; special permission required to enroll in more than 6 hours
  • Summer - enrolled in six or more hours in total; special permission required to enroll in more than 12 hours

For graduate students:

  • Fall and Spring - enrolled for nine or more hours in total*
  • Summer - enrolled in six or more hours in total*

*See Graduate Section of the Catalog for additional information.

Part-time Students

Students who do not qualify as full-time students as defined in the section above are part-time students. A part-time student is subject to all University rules concerning registration, attendance, scholarship, and conduct. Students are considered half-time if they are enrolled for at least 6 credit hours but no more than 11 credit hours. Please consult with the Office of Enrollment Services to determine the impact of part-time status on Financial Aid awards.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

The University of New Orleans complies with all guidelines as established in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-380). This Act was designed to protect the privacy of educational records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their educational records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal or formal hearings. Students have the right to file complaints with the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the institution to comply with the Act.

University policy explains in detail the procedures to be used by the institution for compliance with the provisions of the Act. Copies of the policy can be found in the following offices: Admissions, President’s Office, Academic Affairs, Office of Business Affairs, Student Affairs, Student Personnel Records, each college/school/division/dean’s office, each academic department office, and on the web at . Questions concerning the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act may be referred to the University Registrar.


Final Examinations

Final examinations are required and shall be held at the end of each semester/term or summer session in accordance with the schedule issued by the Office of Academic Affairs. When final examinations are inappropriate because of the nature of the course, exceptions to this requirement

may be made upon approval of the appropriate Dean and the Office of Academic Affairs.

Final Exam - Conflict Resolution

When a student is scheduled for three or more final examinations in one day, the student may request rescheduling of one of the examinations through his/her Dean. If one of the exams is a group final exam, then attempts to reschedule non-group exams should be made first. The Dean, Department Chair, and faculty member will make every effort to accommodate the student when such a request is made.

Final examinations for classes meeting at times other than those posted by The Office of the University Registrar will be scheduled during the week of finals at a time agreed upon by the faculty member and students. The Office of the University Registrar in conjunction with the Office of Academic Affairs are the final authority should agreements not be reached at the departmental level.


Course Registration

No one may register in any semester, summer session, or intersession after the official registration period indicated in the University calendar. The University does not guarantee that during a given semester a student will be able to schedule every class which he/she might be required to take or wish to enroll. No student will be permitted to remain in class unless the instructor has received from the University Registrar evidence of proper registration.

Adding and Dropping Courses

Courses may be “added” or “dropped” only during Registration or Late Registration for a given term.

Students may not drop a course after the published “last date to drop a course.” Students who fail to drop courses by the published final date for such action will be retained on the class rolls even though they may be absent for the remainder of the semester.  A student may be dropped, at the discretion of the Dean of the College, from any course for which the student is ineligible.

Failure to attend class does not constitute a course drop. Course withdrawal reduces a student’s enrolled hours, but not the student’s financial obligation (see section on Withdrawal from the University).

Students are required to monitor the official University Student Calendar - traditionally found in the Office of the University Registrar ( - regarding scheduling dates and their particular access to registration via their WebSTAR portal. Students should be aware there are differing dates and associated fees for registration actions (adding vs. dropping vs. auditing courses). Please consult The Bulletin for charges associated with dropping and adding courses.

Changing Course Sections

Section changes, if permitted, are subject to the same time limitations as the adding or dropping of courses. A section change requires dropping and adding a course and therefore falls under the same fee structure. Please consult The Bulletin for charges associated with dropping and adding courses.

Auditing Courses

Regularly enrolled students at UNO may be admitted to classes as Auditors by obtaining written permission from the Chair of the department in which the course is taught and the Dean of the College in which they are enrolled. Others must obtain official admission to the University in addition to obtaining permission, as indicated. The fee for auditing a course is the same as for enrolling for credit. Auditing fees are not refundable.

Once a student has audited a course, they will not receive university academic credit by any means of advanced standing, examination, or advanced placement on previously audited work. Students are allowed to enroll and receive academic credit for previously audited work by enrolling in the course for academic credit.

Students are allowed to audit courses in which they previously earned academic credit.  Students may not change from audit to credit after the last day to add a course. With permission of their Dean, they may change from credit to audit within the first 15 class days of the semester (7 class days in the summer).


Statute of Limitations

In the absence of any designated time limits in documents on policies or procedures, the University imposes a time limit of one year for the initiation of any request for an exception to its rules or regulations.


Student Handbook

The University of New Orleans Student Handbook is an official student policy. The UNO Student Handbook describes what is expected of a student with respect to behavior and conduct in the UNO community and outlines the procedures to be followed when these expectations are not met. The Student Handbook includes the Code of Student Conduct as well as other rules, regulations and policies governing student life. Please refer to the following site:


Student Identification Card

The University Computing Center issues to each student a permanent identification card, including a photograph, and a Privateer number. This card will be used for the entire duration of the student’s enrollment at the University. The card is required for borrowing library books, cashing personal checks, admission to athletic and social events, selling used textbooks, Testing Services, meal plans, and other official purposes. Fraudulent use of the ID card will result in disciplinary action. The card is issued to the individual student and must not be loaned to another person for any reason.

Any University official having just cause has the right to request that a student show the identification card for identification purposes. Upon such a request by a University official, the student is required to comply.


Transcript of Record

The official permanent academic records for all UNO students are in the custody of the Office of the Registrar. Release of these records is protected by the “Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.” Transcripts of the academic record may be secured by the individual personally or will be released on the student’s written authorization. Transcripts cannot be issued until the student or former student has settled all financial obligations to the University and has submitted all required transcripts from other colleges attended. A minimal fee will be charged for each copy of the transcript. Transcript processing requires a minimum of three working days. Official transcripts can only be released to a third party.

University Closures

If the University must close due to unexpected circumstances, faculty and students may have to make up missed class and laboratory time. In some circumstances resulting in closure of the University, the Provost will determine how classes will be made up. In other circumstances, the methods for making up missed classes and laboratories will be with extra assignments and readings, additional days of class or laboratory, additional class time, or in other manners to be determined.

University Discipline

The University of New Orleans expects of its students a high degree of honor in all phases of college life. It is the responsibility of all students to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations governing student conduct as published whether in print or on the web, in the UNO Student Handbook and other official publications.

The authority structure for administrating the judicial code is the President, through the Vice President for Student Affairs to the Director of Student Advocacy. Please refer to the section on Judicial and Student Assistance in this catalog and to the UNO Student Handbook for more details.

University Success (UNIV Course)

All first-time full-time freshmen are required to enroll in and successfully pass UNIV 1001 during their first year of enrollment.  Students meet in groups led by an experienced faculty or staff member and a peer mentor (an experienced student) for an in-depth review of skills and issues relevant to academic and personal success at the University. Topics include time management, effective note-taking and test preparation, campus diversity, and university resources. Enrollment is restricted to students with less than 30 hours of credit only. Enrollment is optional for transfer students within their 30 hours of credit at UNO. For more information about University Success, please visit

Withdrawal from the University (Resignation)

Students are responsible for initiating action to resign from the University (withdraw from all courses) on or before the last day to resign as indicated in the current Bulletin. After that date a student may not resign from the University. Students who fail to resign by the published final date for such action will be retained on the class rolls even though they may be absent for the remainder of the semester and be graded as if they were in attendance. 

Failure to attend classes does not constitute a resignation. Resignation eliminates a student’s enrolled hours, but not the student’s financial obligations.

Caution: Withdrawing from courses may have an adverse effect on financial aid, scholarships, loan deferments, athletic eligibility, health insurance, veteran’s benefits, degree requirements, or other areas. Students considering course drops or resignation should first check with their advisor, College, and Enrollment Services to determine if this is really their best option.


Eligibility to Represent the University

No student will be permitted to represent the University unless he/she is classified as a full-time student. Students may participate as members, substitutes, or officers so long as they are enrolled for at least six semester hours unless otherwise indicated by a particular unit or organization.  Organizations may include dramatic, literary, musical or other types including Student Government.